League of Legends and Wild Rift celebrates pride.

Helpful information for noobs: Wild Rift is a mobile game that came out in March of this year; League of Legends (LoL) is a PC game that came out in 2009. Both games are MOBAs. Summoner icons are icons a player equips as their “profile” picture, emotes are indeed emotes that can be displayed in game, and rainbow trails only show up under a homeguard enchantment, which occurs anytime an in game match starts, and anytime you enter the fountain, the location in which you spawn.

Riot, the company behind League of Legends and Wild Rift, doesn’t quite have a large LGBTQ+ track record. Just last year, Riot came under fire for its partnership with Saudi Arabia (Neom), a country known for its agregious human rights violations, its treatment of women, LGBTQ+ people, and people in general. Even in game, there aren’t any (obvious) LGBTQ+ characters, and I really should mention that there are only 5 black characters out of 154 characters. There’s never been any in game events that celebrated pride either, until last week. Both games now feature colorful rainbow trails when moving, a myriad of colorful poro summoner icons that are specific to the letters of LGBTQ+ and a plain rainbow, LGBTQ+ emotes, and a lesbian storyline to two characters, Diana and Leona.

However, pride isn’t called pride everywhere, with Riot opting to call this event “Color Festival” in Turkey. Turkey is one of many homophobic countries (such as Poland and Hungary), so it doesn’t surprise me at all. Turkey currently requires LGBTQ+ and rainbow themed anything to be classified as 18+ material; Wild Rift and LoL holds a 12+ rating, and Riot wanted this content accessible for all players, otherwise it would just not show up for Turkey players. At the moment, I was unable to determine if the pride event shows up in China and any other regions that aren’t known for its hospitality.