More than a rainbow logo

In June, many companies adopt a rainbow logo in support of pride month. But after June is over, sometimes it seems companies are eager to swap back to their normal logo and not do much after the fact. Of course, several large corporations do seem to support LGBTQ+ rights. One of them is proudly Unilever (you probably know them by Q-Tips). Unilever is now in its 5th year of its “United We Stand” campaign, which aims to improve the HRC (Human Rights Campaign) score of jurisdictions that have a very low score. It had supported 5 areas last year and has expanded its support to new destinations, citing the success of its program since last year.

Over the last two years, the United We Stand program supported organizations in five partner cities, four of which increased their HRC rankings in this timeframe: Monroe, Louisiana; Moore, Oklahoma; Clemson, South Carolina; and Cape Girardeau, Missouri. In 2023, Unilever will continue to support the original five partner cities, and will add Rapid City, South Dakota, and Jonesboro, Arkansas to expand the scope of the program to seven cities. As part of the program, Unilever provides funds and support for organizations that promote systemic change and access to critical services.
